It all began in 1990 with a very simple idea.:
Micro computers were fast becoming adopted as standard business systems and Microsoft Windows was the operating system of choice. The time was right to make mapping and geographical information systems available to the business user.
As Geo/SQL Corporation we were the first to market with a desktop product and a business integration API. These characteristics won us some of the largest mapping based system integration projects of the early nineties, globally with Chevron Oil and with National Grid in the UK.
We were the only company that could meet an MoD requirement for a RAD build, desktop mapping and information management system to meet the challenge in managing the huge increase military training resulting from the return to the UK of “the Army of the Rhine” in 1994. The solution was project “Claymore”.
Claymore is still in daily use today having morphed and changed across operating systems and database platforms and of course the continually changing business requirements.
Today we remain close to our roots, continuing to combine technical innovation with an AGILE practice and a commitment to support our clients through the inevitable continuous change in their business.
We continue to evolve and develop our own technology platform and API focused on the military training management requirement, land referencing, and more generally, the needs of the land and property management sector.
We make extensive use of “community” and open source projects to deliver innovation and business integration services at an affordable price point.